Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Guest Blogger on Trust

This month, I asked Candace Bebee to be our guest blogger. I thought it would be interesting for us all to read someone else's perspective on topics from time to time. As you know, the monthly guiding principle for September is Trust. Here are some of her thoughts on this important topic. Thank you, Candace!

Wise men put their trust in ideas and not in circumstances. - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Trust, as defined by Webster’s, is the assured reliance on the character, ability, strength, or truth of someone or something- one in which confidence is placed.

I don’t know about you, but I place my trust in my mom & dad, my Honda Civic, my riding helmet and Starbucks. These people/items/places have both the characteristics of trust noted by Webster’s, but more importantly, my own personal experiences to back them up.

In times of uncertainty or distress, who can you trust? I know I can always count on a daily bag of peanut M&Ms (OK, maybe a few bags) to pick me up, but what keeps us motivated us work? What holds us accountable? Who can you trust or what can you trust?

Consider our division’s vision and values. I think many of our guiding principles- respect and collaboration for example, are both the foundation for and result of a degree of trust amongst ourselves. I know that I am just one small piece of the bigger picture here and my daily work depends on my trust in the other pieces all coming together. It is a great feeling knowing that the other departments in FAS “have my back.” So at work, I place trust in my co-workers to carry their load and in return, I do my part to lessen that load. All of you come through for me every time. I trust in that.

At several budget forums, President Haynes has repeatedly asked us to “assume good intent.” I think this is a statement worthy of repeating. She is asking us to trust in a time of uncertainty. I trust that we all are here for the same reason— our students. I trust that everyone shares the “University First” perspective. Without a shared goal, there is no trust.

Trust is about doing the right thing, together.